
fungi, bugs, larvae, amanita Autumn Anglin fungi, bugs, larvae, amanita Autumn Anglin

More than a Sporeprint

When I come home from a foray where I gather specimens to study, the first thing I do is try and get a spore print. I lay out as many 3x5inch index cards as I have species of mushrooms and write the date, place and a description of each mushroom on the card. Then I add a glass slide to my card and put the mushroom on top of that slide. This way the spore print will be deposited on the slide and I can look at the spores within an hour or so.

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Foray Log 616.2021 - Big Meadow & Parish Lake

Foray Log- Big Meadow Horse Camp & Parish Lake, June 16, 2021

Today we took a drive out to Big Meadow’s Horse camp. As soon as I got out of the car, I sprayed myself down with bug spray and put on my hat with my new mosquito veil. I remember the last time I was here and the mosquitoes were so bad, I wasn’t going to deal with that again!

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