myco-/ˈmīkō/ meaning fungus rad·i·cate | \ ˈradəˌkāt \ to take root

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MycoRadicate is cultivated by Autumn (she/her), a citizen scientist -interested in fungi and all of its connections.
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The Snacking Slug
Plicaria endocarpoides
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Foray Log- Northern Oregon Coast, January 27, 2022
Diana and I decided to take a day together and look for ectomycorrhizal connections and winter fungi growing along the coast. We were looking for signs of the hyphae that would have capped the root ends of trees and made their way into the wood wide web. On our first stop we spent a lot of time discussing what habitat we were standing in and how to identify trees. We were standing in a Cedar, Western Hemlock and Spruce forest, with old growth stumps as big as yurts. Beside all of the slash piles we found the Western Hemlocks used old fallen and decaying logs as their nursery, while the Cedar did not.
Cedar is one of those trees that does not foster an ectomycorrhizal connection with fungi. So as we looked at the fungi that was present in this forest we began to see the connections in a whole new light. The spongy forest floor was