Foray Log 66.2021- Big Meadow
Lycogala epidenrum, a Slime Mold growing on a decomposing log near the snowbank.
Foray Log- Big Meadow’s Horse Camp, June 6, 2021
Oh the swarms of mosquitoes. It was almost too much to bear as I tried to photograph the Lycogala epidenrum , so I paused to spray on some mosquito repellant that Andrew brought from the car. After making sure all the exposed bits were covered, I went back to the L. epidenrum and showed Andrew how they pop!
We walked around and I asked to keep a look out for some Gyromitra that I had found last year at this spot. We walked along the bays and there on the ground were two giant Gyromitra montana ! I had not found these yet in my year of study so this was particularly exciting. I photographed them and logged them in with a FunDiS field voucher then bagged them up in a brown wax bag and began wondering the outcrop of woods. Last year, Jordan and I had found a great patch of Donadina nigrella, and I wanted to see if there were any here this time. I never found them but instead found some small holes in the ground and began digging near them about two inches below the soil surface. Then I found it! A hypogeous fungi!
Gyromitra montana, found just below snow level. A wonderful find!
I spent about an hour searching the forest and documenting my finds. In that time I found
Xeromphalina campanella growing on a log at the edge of the Hemlock forest.
Hygrophorus purpurascens a stunning candycane colored mushroom with a pin growing just underneath.
An interesting stump covered in an odd Polypore
A super patch of a white mass of Myxomycete
Some pink asparagus looking Coralloriza just before the flowers burst out of the stalks!
An interesting group of Little Brown Mushrooms with conical caps growing out of a decaying stump
A dried up disk-like Gyromitra growing on a bit of a fluted stipe. I had to get it home and look at the spores before I could say it was a Gyromitra or Helvella. Microscopy is such a useful tool to make sure we get a correct ID.
Art of the day
“Pair of Purple” -Digital Photograph by Autumn Anglin